Green Party
| List MP
Green Party
| List MP
I'm standing to represent the people of Mt Albert. They deserve an unwavering, committed local MP that will push for the progressive change our people and planet need. Since being elected to parliament, I've demonstrated tireless advocacy to end inequality, working alongside constituents and communities to make positive, tangible differences to their lives. For the climate, for our community, and for change, I'm asking for two ticks Green in Mt Albert this election.
This community has been my home for 15 years, I know many people are struggling to make ends meet. I've got a track record of progressing legislation and winning campaigns to increase incomes. I believe that poverty is a political choice. The Greens will provide lasting solutions that guarantee everyone in Aotearoa has what they need to live a good life. If elected, I'll be an accessible, present and committed Green MP for Mt Albert.
List MP
Community advocate
3rd in Maungakiekie
I'm standing to represent the people of Mt Albert. They deserve an unwavering, committed local MP that will push for the progressive change our people and planet need. Since being elected to parliament, I've demonstrated tireless advocacy to end inequality, working alongside constituents and communities to make positive, tangible differences to their lives. For the climate, for our community, and for change, I'm asking for two ticks Green in Mt Albert this election.
This community has been my home for 15 years, I know many people are struggling to make ends meet. I've got a track record of progressing legislation and winning campaigns to increase incomes. I believe that poverty is a political choice. The Greens will provide lasting solutions that guarantee everyone in Aotearoa has what they need to live a good life. If elected, I'll be an accessible, present and committed Green MP for Mt Albert.
List MP
Community advocate
3rd in Maungakiekie
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Each part of the country is represented in Parliament by an electorate MP. We've asked every candidate about their priorities for your community and why they deserve your vote.