Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
This election is a pivotal one for Aotearoa. We have a choice between maintaining the status quo or building a bright green future for everyone in our community; between divisiveness or solidarity; between quibbling over the definition of 'crisis' or taking real action to address the cost of living, housing, climate change and environmental exploitation. That's why I'm running.
I'm a Pākehā, feminist, lefty māmā of one and resident of the beautiful electorate of Ōhāriu, Wellington. Like many people in Ōhāriu I'm a parent, a homeowner, a public servant, a commuter. My background is in communications and campaigns. I've worked in the union movement, public service and Parliament, as a political commentator, event MC and YouTube board game reviewer. I knit, I pole dance, and I occasionally garden.
Not currently in parliament
Public servant
Tawa, Wellington
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
This election is a pivotal one for Aotearoa. We have a choice between maintaining the status quo or building a bright green future for everyone in our community; between divisiveness or solidarity; between quibbling over the definition of 'crisis' or taking real action to address the cost of living, housing, climate change and environmental exploitation. That's why I'm running.
I'm a Pākehā, feminist, lefty māmā of one and resident of the beautiful electorate of Ōhāriu, Wellington. Like many people in Ōhāriu I'm a parent, a homeowner, a public servant, a commuter. My background is in communications and campaigns. I've worked in the union movement, public service and Parliament, as a political commentator, event MC and YouTube board game reviewer. I knit, I pole dance, and I occasionally garden.
Not currently in parliament
Public servant
Tawa, Wellington
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
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Each part of the country is represented in Parliament by an electorate MP. We've asked every candidate about their priorities for your community and why they deserve your vote.