Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
A strong belief in climate justice and social justice is my motivation for political activity. We face persistent social justice challenges and climate induced crises. My heritage and demonstrated activism informs me to speak up and proclaim publicly when something is clearly wrong, such as it is now. We need a strong Green presence in a coalition government with Labour to ensure we are tackling poverty and climate change on a war cabinet footing.
I am campaigning solely for the party vote.
Not currently in parliament
Authorised Financial Adviser
Waitarere Beach
Not previously in parliament
3rd in Ōtaki
A strong belief in climate justice and social justice is my motivation for political activity. We face persistent social justice challenges and climate induced crises. My heritage and demonstrated activism informs me to speak up and proclaim publicly when something is clearly wrong, such as it is now. We need a strong Green presence in a coalition government with Labour to ensure we are tackling poverty and climate change on a war cabinet footing.
I am campaigning solely for the party vote.
Not currently in parliament
Authorised Financial Adviser
Waitarere Beach
Not previously in parliament
3rd in Ōtaki
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