Wiremu Thomson
Richard Wesley
Green Party
Tracy Summerfield
National Party
Christine Van Duivenboven
New Zealand Loyal
Blair Anderson
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party
Debra Marie Cullimore
Leighton Baker Party
Tubby Hansen
NZ Economic Euthenics Party
Megan Woods
Labour Party
Geoff McTague
Ankita Lynn
ACT Party
| Not currently in parliament
| Not currently in parliament
I do not believe New Zealand is the best country in the world. I wish I could believe New Zealand is the best country in the world, unfortunately the truth is we fail because our politics fails. People, such as myself should not have to travel to Australia to get timely and appropriate health care. Constitutional accountability will restore democracy and lift standards.
I moved into Wigram in 1995 and have lived in the same house since, with my partner and our Gabbie, the bossy Jack Russell. My experience in politics is limited to being ignored about some really important issues. My professional experience is as an Electronic Engineer where being listened to is essential for efficient progress and to reduce the risk of errors, and I am too old to change.
Not currently in parliament
Electronics engineer
Hei Hei
Not previously in parliament
8th in Wigram
I do not believe New Zealand is the best country in the world. I wish I could believe New Zealand is the best country in the world, unfortunately the truth is we fail because our politics fails. People, such as myself should not have to travel to Australia to get timely and appropriate health care. Constitutional accountability will restore democracy and lift standards.
I moved into Wigram in 1995 and have lived in the same house since, with my partner and our Gabbie, the bossy Jack Russell. My experience in politics is limited to being ignored about some really important issues. My professional experience is as an Electronic Engineer where being listened to is essential for efficient progress and to reduce the risk of errors, and I am too old to change.
Not currently in parliament
Electronics engineer
Hei Hei
Not previously in parliament
8th in Wigram
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