Wiremu Thomson
Richard Wesley
Green Party
Tracy Summerfield
National Party
Christine Van Duivenboven
New Zealand Loyal
Blair Anderson
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party
Debra Marie Cullimore
Leighton Baker Party
Tubby Hansen
NZ Economic Euthenics Party
Megan Woods
Labour Party
Geoff McTague
Ankita Lynn
ACT Party
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Both my personal interests and professional life have given me excellent skills in engineering, financial management, and communication. I think these skills are what we need in parliament to enable us to address the big issues in front of us. Climate change effects are just getting started, inequities still abound even in a rich country like Aotearoa, and only the Green Party has a plan to tackle these issues head-on.
I have been fortunate enough to travel to many parts of this small planet. These experiences have driven me to strongly support making New Zealand a shining example of real action on climate change, and a place where no one is left behind in poverty; in all its forms simply being unacceptable. Only the Green Party has a plan to rebalance our economy and take real steps in all these areas.
Not currently in parliament
Project mangement
Spreydon, Christchurch
Not previously in parliament
3rd in Wigram
Both my personal interests and professional life have given me excellent skills in engineering, financial management, and communication. I think these skills are what we need in parliament to enable us to address the big issues in front of us. Climate change effects are just getting started, inequities still abound even in a rich country like Aotearoa, and only the Green Party has a plan to tackle these issues head-on.
I have been fortunate enough to travel to many parts of this small planet. These experiences have driven me to strongly support making New Zealand a shining example of real action on climate change, and a place where no one is left behind in poverty; in all its forms simply being unacceptable. Only the Green Party has a plan to rebalance our economy and take real steps in all these areas.
Not currently in parliament
Project mangement
Spreydon, Christchurch
Not previously in parliament
3rd in Wigram
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