Helping communities get from A to B is a key responsibility of local government, from making sure the buses run on time to providing car parking and walking and cycling paths. Whether public transport is the responsibility of the regional or local council depends on where you are in the country. Local councils also own 87% of New Zealand’s roads.
Helping communities get from A to B is a key responsibility of local government, from making sure the buses run on time to providing car parking and walking and cycling paths. Whether public transport is the responsibility of the regional or local council depends on where you are in the country. Local councils also own 87% of New Zealand’s roads.
Encourage active modes of travelling and advocate for the wellbeing benefits of enjoying our native bush.
Advocate for greater, more reliable public transport options and encourage their uptake.
Lobby for free youth and student bus travel to motivate intergenerational change towards public transport.
Advocate for frequent, reliable and accessible public transport.
Ensure council cater for a range of modalities of travel.
Prioritise active transport options as a way to promote a healthy community with a minimal carbon footprint.
Promote public transport options over private transport. Prioritise active and public transport over private vehicles.
Encourage shared transport (including ownership) options, electric vehicles, make private vehicle ownership less necessary.
Press for a reliable bus service, with electronic schedule signage at every bus stop.
Work to see completion of the shared cycling and walking path around the bays to each bay's satisfaction, and eventually in Days Bay as well.
Support a 50kph speed limit for all Marine Drive for safety, and traffic lights during peak use times at the Days Bay wharf crossing.
Liaise with the project team, council and residents during the construction of the Tupua Horo Nuku Eastern Bays Shared Path.
Work with regional council and Metlink to restore Eastbourne's bus service to pre-Covid levels, including the 85x service.
Continue to work with council to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists around the Bays.
Liaise effectively with council and contractors throughout the construction of Tupua Horo Nuku to reduce hassle for locals.
Work with Council to finalise the plan for taking Tupua Horo Nuku through Days Bay, integrating that plan with the upgrade of Williams park.
Advocate for reliable public transport with integrated ferry and bus services.
Continue the fight for an improved and reliable bus service.
Encourage an enhanced ferry service.
Integrate the Shared Path with the southern end of Eastbourne.
Encourage active modes of travelling and advocate for the wellbeing benefits of enjoying our native bush.
Advocate for greater, more reliable public transport options and encourage their uptake.
Lobby for free youth and student bus travel to motivate intergenerational change towards public transport.
Advocate for frequent, reliable and accessible public transport.
Ensure council cater for a range of modalities of travel.
Prioritise active transport options as a way to promote a healthy community with a minimal carbon footprint.
Promote public transport options over private transport. Prioritise active and public transport over private vehicles.
Encourage shared transport (including ownership) options, electric vehicles, make private vehicle ownership less necessary.
Press for a reliable bus service, with electronic schedule signage at every bus stop.
Work to see completion of the shared cycling and walking path around the bays to each bay's satisfaction, and eventually in Days Bay as well.
Support a 50kph speed limit for all Marine Drive for safety, and traffic lights during peak use times at the Days Bay wharf crossing.
Liaise with the project team, council and residents during the construction of the Tupua Horo Nuku Eastern Bays Shared Path.
Work with regional council and Metlink to restore Eastbourne's bus service to pre-Covid levels, including the 85x service.
Continue to work with council to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists around the Bays.
Liaise effectively with council and contractors throughout the construction of Tupua Horo Nuku to reduce hassle for locals.
Work with Council to finalise the plan for taking Tupua Horo Nuku through Days Bay, integrating that plan with the upgrade of Williams park.
Advocate for reliable public transport with integrated ferry and bus services.
Continue the fight for an improved and reliable bus service.
Encourage an enhanced ferry service.
Integrate the Shared Path with the southern end of Eastbourne.
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