Mayor of Far North District

The mayor is the leader of the council. Their job is to promote a vision for the district and lead the development of the council’s plans, policies and budget. The mayor appoints the deputy mayor, establishes committees for particular topics, and appoints chairs for those committees. This is a single transferable vote (STV) election, so you vote by ranking the candidates on your ballot paper. Compare the candidates and their policies to decide who to vote for in the Far North District Council mayoral election.

Recreation and culture

From parks and libraries to museums and art galleries, councils can be a key supporter of sporting, recreational and cultural events that bring communities to life. Community facilities, including sports grounds and town halls, are often owned and run by councils.

Recreation and culture

From parks and libraries to museums and art galleries, councils can be a key supporter of sporting, recreational and cultural events that bring communities to life. Community facilities, including sports grounds and town halls, are often owned and run by councils.

  • Establish a bilingual signage policy to ensure all of our public facilities celebrate our indigenous language.

    Enable community boards to lead their own place-making projects in their wards.

    Build a new library and community hub for Kaikohe Township.

  • Complete the work towards an arts and culture strategy.

    Ensure that our Sport Implementation plan is resourced to be able to deliver the sport and recreation goals our communities are seeking.

    Increase resources for monitoring and compliance of licensed establishments.

  • Create consistent community-led planning policy across 40 communities, facilitated by elected members to inform AP/SP/LTP/DP etc.

    Create long-term supported partnerships and plans with communities/mana whenua to govern/own/manage their public facilities.

    Sensible alcohol policy that listens to communities, reduces wholesale access and negative impacts and educates for safer communities.

  • Make a commitment to Kaikohe with increasing funding to enhance the area. New public toilets and investment into the library.

    Investigate the title deeds of all town halls and return them to the hapū of origin. This will reflect our partnership with tangata whenua.

  • Bigger and more parks/pools/museums/libraries to better reflect us all, not just the elite.

    Supporting greater input in sports to Olympic level is a must.

    Liquor – not in public, and in moderation, bylaws will reflect that.

  • Complete the development of recreational facilities largely funded by central government and Sport Northland.

    Develop consistent funding of sports facilities across the district and prioritise areas that will achieve the greatest impact for youth.

    Continue the events funding and its allocation, and establish a district-wide events register to better coordinate significant local events.

  • Complete the construction of the three new regional sports hub Waipāpa, Kaitāia and Kaikohe.

    Support the community boards delegations to hold the community and sporting grant fund buckets, and allocate the funding by ward.

    Develop a policy to support our smaller facilities run by volunteers who struggle to raise sufficient funds to meet compliance costs.

  • Establish a bilingual signage policy to ensure all of our public facilities celebrate our indigenous language.

    Enable community boards to lead their own place-making projects in their wards.

    Build a new library and community hub for Kaikohe Township.

  • Complete the work towards an arts and culture strategy.

    Ensure that our Sport Implementation plan is resourced to be able to deliver the sport and recreation goals our communities are seeking.

    Increase resources for monitoring and compliance of licensed establishments.

  • Create consistent community-led planning policy across 40 communities, facilitated by elected members to inform AP/SP/LTP/DP etc.

    Create long-term supported partnerships and plans with communities/mana whenua to govern/own/manage their public facilities.

    Sensible alcohol policy that listens to communities, reduces wholesale access and negative impacts and educates for safer communities.

  • Make a commitment to Kaikohe with increasing funding to enhance the area. New public toilets and investment into the library.

    Investigate the title deeds of all town halls and return them to the hapū of origin. This will reflect our partnership with tangata whenua.

  • Bigger and more parks/pools/museums/libraries to better reflect us all, not just the elite.

    Supporting greater input in sports to Olympic level is a must.

    Liquor – not in public, and in moderation, bylaws will reflect that.

  • Complete the development of recreational facilities largely funded by central government and Sport Northland.

    Develop consistent funding of sports facilities across the district and prioritise areas that will achieve the greatest impact for youth.

    Continue the events funding and its allocation, and establish a district-wide events register to better coordinate significant local events.

  • Complete the construction of the three new regional sports hub Waipāpa, Kaitāia and Kaikohe.

    Support the community boards delegations to hold the community and sporting grant fund buckets, and allocate the funding by ward.

    Develop a policy to support our smaller facilities run by volunteers who struggle to raise sufficient funds to meet compliance costs.