Mayor of Far North District

The mayor is the leader of the council. Their job is to promote a vision for the district and lead the development of the council’s plans, policies and budget. The mayor appoints the deputy mayor, establishes committees for particular topics, and appoints chairs for those committees. This is a single transferable vote (STV) election, so you vote by ranking the candidates on your ballot paper. Compare the candidates and their policies to decide who to vote for in the Far North District Council mayoral election.

Jaqi Brown

Te Hiku Community Board Member

Jaqi Brown

Te Hiku Community Board Member

Why I'm standing

Kia Ora, Hello, Dobro dosli! I offer voters the skills, experience, mana and maturity to bring together this new-look council and focus on what's important for the whole Far North. Have been skilling up for this job for 20+ years. Check out my website 'about us' for more about what I've been contributing to in the community. Basically, I get stuff done, have a positive can-do attitude and confidence to speak up for our community.

About me

Have been a community advocate and champion after a flood destroyed our home at Whangape. This event inspired a lifetime of servant leadership, to make a positive difference especially for vulnerable communities. Many roles in governance, committee, employment, education, community development, including three terms on community boards. A systems change manager, planner, event host, advocate and a mum. Involved with Ahipara Aroha, Civil Defence, Te Hautapoki Church, local rugby and sports. Basically, I've got skills.

My priorities
  1. Pull together new council, understand their strengths, passions and develop solid team relationships.
  2. Advocate to keep the roads open, bridges fixed and sort the RFS system.
  3. Develop the local voice to council table planning pathway and engage elected members to facilitate.
Current role

Te Hiku Community Board Member

Before politics

Systems Change Leader





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Why I'm standing

Kia Ora, Hello, Dobro dosli! I offer voters the skills, experience, mana and maturity to bring together this new-look council and focus on what's important for the whole Far North. Have been skilling up for this job for 20+ years. Check out my website 'about us' for more about what I've been contributing to in the community. Basically, I get stuff done, have a positive can-do attitude and confidence to speak up for our community.

About me

Have been a community advocate and champion after a flood destroyed our home at Whangape. This event inspired a lifetime of servant leadership, to make a positive difference especially for vulnerable communities. Many roles in governance, committee, employment, education, community development, including three terms on community boards. A systems change manager, planner, event host, advocate and a mum. Involved with Ahipara Aroha, Civil Defence, Te Hautapoki Church, local rugby and sports. Basically, I've got skills.

My priorities
  1. Pull together new council, understand their strengths, passions and develop solid team relationships.
  2. Advocate to keep the roads open, bridges fixed and sort the RFS system.
  3. Develop the local voice to council table planning pathway and engage elected members to facilitate.
Current role

Te Hiku Community Board Member

Before politics

Systems Change Leader





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