Local government is a foundational part of our democracy. But local democracy isn’t just about holding elections every three years – it’s about the day-to-day ways people have their say in the decisions that affect us all.
Local government is a foundational part of our democracy. But local democracy isn’t just about holding elections every three years – it’s about the day-to-day ways people have their say in the decisions that affect us all.
Ensure all sectors feel able to raise issues and are confident that council will hear them and consider what they have to say.
Communicate regularly with community so people know what's happening and can give feedback.
Iwi involvement at every level is a vital to the future of the region.
Keep the consistent and responsible financial performance of the council as a highest priority.
Enhance digital communication to both inform the community, and to be informed by the community.
Ensure that both Māori and Pākehā are fairly represented.
Gather more feedback on the needs of our communities from residents.
Ensure council employees have productive and positive working conditions.
Ensure all sectors feel able to raise issues and are confident that council will hear them and consider what they have to say.
Communicate regularly with community so people know what's happening and can give feedback.
Iwi involvement at every level is a vital to the future of the region.
Keep the consistent and responsible financial performance of the council as a highest priority.
Enhance digital communication to both inform the community, and to be informed by the community.
Ensure that both Māori and Pākehā are fairly represented.
Gather more feedback on the needs of our communities from residents.
Ensure council employees have productive and positive working conditions.
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