Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.
Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.
Build a tech sector to provide a sustainable way of generating revenue, with a very low carbon footprint. We can become a "clean tech" hub.
Provide sustainable public transport options – tourists shouldn't need a car in our district. We need electric buses, and electric ferries.
Support the work for a second electricity line through Kingston, making our electricity supply more resilient, with a renewable power source.
Implement efficient, clean energy public transport in Queenstown and Wānaka areas now! Connector services between small and larger communities.
Bring solar panels and batteries to all public buildings throughout the district. Reducing CO2, increasing resilience and reducing costs.
Lead substantially improved infrastructure and community resilience to earthquakes, extreme weather, and other hazards.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions: riding my bicycle to work, instead of driving my car, would reduce my emissions by at least 13% by 2025.
Adapting to climate change: purchase a second water tank and conserve water, in case of drought.
Devote funds to civil defence, as they may be needed more in the future.
Implement the climate and biodiversity plan.
Focus on making tangible and measurable emission reductions.
Continue the climate change advisory group, but strengthen it by making it independent, and a monitor of to hold our actions to account.
Assess quantifiable milestones of the Climate and Biodiversity Plan 2022-25. Actioning recommendations from the Climate Reference Group.
Encourage our people on the importance of changing behaviours to curb the effects of climate change.
Continue to work with agencies that promote the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of our communities.
Build a tech sector to provide a sustainable way of generating revenue, with a very low carbon footprint. We can become a "clean tech" hub.
Provide sustainable public transport options – tourists shouldn't need a car in our district. We need electric buses, and electric ferries.
Support the work for a second electricity line through Kingston, making our electricity supply more resilient, with a renewable power source.
Implement efficient, clean energy public transport in Queenstown and Wānaka areas now! Connector services between small and larger communities.
Bring solar panels and batteries to all public buildings throughout the district. Reducing CO2, increasing resilience and reducing costs.
Lead substantially improved infrastructure and community resilience to earthquakes, extreme weather, and other hazards.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions: riding my bicycle to work, instead of driving my car, would reduce my emissions by at least 13% by 2025.
Adapting to climate change: purchase a second water tank and conserve water, in case of drought.
Devote funds to civil defence, as they may be needed more in the future.
Implement the climate and biodiversity plan.
Focus on making tangible and measurable emission reductions.
Continue the climate change advisory group, but strengthen it by making it independent, and a monitor of to hold our actions to account.
Assess quantifiable milestones of the Climate and Biodiversity Plan 2022-25. Actioning recommendations from the Climate Reference Group.
Encourage our people on the importance of changing behaviours to curb the effects of climate change.
Continue to work with agencies that promote the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of our communities.
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