Councils are responsible for a wide range of utilities and services that we all rely on, from rubbish and recycling to street cleaning. Councils are currently also responsible for managing waste water, storm water and drinking water infrastructure – the ‘Three Waters’. But that may be about to change, with central government seeking to shift the delivery of Three Waters services to four new larger entities, which could borrow enough to upgrade the country’s water infrastructure.
Councils are responsible for a wide range of utilities and services that we all rely on, from rubbish and recycling to street cleaning. Councils are currently also responsible for managing waste water, storm water and drinking water infrastructure – the ‘Three Waters’. But that may be about to change, with central government seeking to shift the delivery of Three Waters services to four new larger entities, which could borrow enough to upgrade the country’s water infrastructure.
Opposing Three Waters is a top priority. I'm firmly opposed to removing local decision making from the community on something so important.
Supporting a recycling centre – particularly focusing on construction waste.
Using IoT technology, smart sensors, and AI to be more efficient in all services delivered. Other cities are doing this already.
Get a green waste collection service happening.
Invest in a fit-for-purpose waste recycling park and plant.
Solve our wastewater sludge disposal risk.
Fast-track community-driven affordable housing – bringing community, business, and developer resources together to create lasting solutions.
Support smaller communities to achieve water and wastewater standards. Shifting costs from communities to developers where appropriate.
Strongly represent the interests of our communities in redesigning the Three Waters reform to ensure community ownership is retained.
Invest in plans that contribute to the circular economy i.e. high-quality resources from waste. Reduce waste through recycling projects.
Oppose Three Waters as this takes the powers from local body to govern the waters in their region. Privatisation of water is unacceptable.
Provide support to our townships. Upkeep of our townships even if these are expensive. Protecting our historic towns is paramount.
Street cleaning: keep the streets clean. I love clean streets.
Three Waters: ask the public what they want and follow their wishes.
Rubbish and recycling: hire more staff to sort the recycling from the rubbish. I have a zero rubbish toleration policy.
Opposing Three Waters is a top priority. I'm firmly opposed to removing local decision making from the community on something so important.
Supporting a recycling centre – particularly focusing on construction waste.
Using IoT technology, smart sensors, and AI to be more efficient in all services delivered. Other cities are doing this already.
Get a green waste collection service happening.
Invest in a fit-for-purpose waste recycling park and plant.
Solve our wastewater sludge disposal risk.
Fast-track community-driven affordable housing – bringing community, business, and developer resources together to create lasting solutions.
Support smaller communities to achieve water and wastewater standards. Shifting costs from communities to developers where appropriate.
Strongly represent the interests of our communities in redesigning the Three Waters reform to ensure community ownership is retained.
Invest in plans that contribute to the circular economy i.e. high-quality resources from waste. Reduce waste through recycling projects.
Oppose Three Waters as this takes the powers from local body to govern the waters in their region. Privatisation of water is unacceptable.
Provide support to our townships. Upkeep of our townships even if these are expensive. Protecting our historic towns is paramount.
Street cleaning: keep the streets clean. I love clean streets.
Three Waters: ask the public what they want and follow their wishes.
Rubbish and recycling: hire more staff to sort the recycling from the rubbish. I have a zero rubbish toleration policy.
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