Helping communities get from A to B is a key responsibility of local government, from making sure the buses run on time to providing car parking and walking and cycling paths. Whether public transport is the responsibility of the regional or local council depends on where you are in the country. Local councils also own 87% of New Zealand’s roads.
Helping communities get from A to B is a key responsibility of local government, from making sure the buses run on time to providing car parking and walking and cycling paths. Whether public transport is the responsibility of the regional or local council depends on where you are in the country. Local councils also own 87% of New Zealand’s roads.
Work with schools, community, and New Zealand Transport Agency to improve and make safer school drop-off and pick-up times.
Work with Wellington Council and New Zealand Transport Agency to improve the blind spots on Collins Avenue in Linden.
Establish more rail safety awareness.
Advocate for the expansion and extension of Tawa's on-demand bus service.
Push for better walking and cycling connections between Tawa and Johnsonville.
Work with Metlink to improve service, reliability, and communication around the Kāpiti Line.
Advocate for policies that would encourage more active modes of transport.
Support policies that would ensure sustainable transport infrastructure including for walking and cycling are delivered for Tawa.
Strengthen the main road bridge into Tawa.
Increase the capacity of the main stormwater culverts through Tawa.
Improve traffic management through the Linden shopping centre.
Increase accessibility of emergency services to city streets, and increase consultation with emergency services when planning road networks.
Review urban transport networks, increasing the reliability of public transport to emulate overseas systems of reliable public transport.
Make inner city parking more accessible, including disability, elderly and trade vehicle parking near clinics and essential services.
Continue to advocate for continuation of the OnDemand bus service in Tawa.
Support progression of Let's Get Wellington Moving to promote safe and reliable transport options for people to move around the city.
Support initiatives which improve the safety for young people getting to and from school and early childhood centres.
Advocate strongly for the continuation of the On-Demand service.
Support council on making the cycle connection into Wellington City safer along Middleton Road.
Work with Metlink to make train travel more safe (including universally accessible platforms), reliable and affordable.
Work with schools, community, and New Zealand Transport Agency to improve and make safer school drop-off and pick-up times.
Work with Wellington Council and New Zealand Transport Agency to improve the blind spots on Collins Avenue in Linden.
Establish more rail safety awareness.
Advocate for the expansion and extension of Tawa's on-demand bus service.
Push for better walking and cycling connections between Tawa and Johnsonville.
Work with Metlink to improve service, reliability, and communication around the Kāpiti Line.
Advocate for policies that would encourage more active modes of transport.
Support policies that would ensure sustainable transport infrastructure including for walking and cycling are delivered for Tawa.
Strengthen the main road bridge into Tawa.
Increase the capacity of the main stormwater culverts through Tawa.
Improve traffic management through the Linden shopping centre.
Increase accessibility of emergency services to city streets, and increase consultation with emergency services when planning road networks.
Review urban transport networks, increasing the reliability of public transport to emulate overseas systems of reliable public transport.
Make inner city parking more accessible, including disability, elderly and trade vehicle parking near clinics and essential services.
Continue to advocate for continuation of the OnDemand bus service in Tawa.
Support progression of Let's Get Wellington Moving to promote safe and reliable transport options for people to move around the city.
Support initiatives which improve the safety for young people getting to and from school and early childhood centres.
Advocate strongly for the continuation of the On-Demand service.
Support council on making the cycle connection into Wellington City safer along Middleton Road.
Work with Metlink to make train travel more safe (including universally accessible platforms), reliable and affordable.
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