The work of local government is funded mainly by property taxes in the local area, known as rates. This makes up around 60% of council expenditure, with the rest coming from user charges, investment income, regulatory fees and roading subsidies. Councils can also borrow money to spread the cost of large investments such as infrastructure over a longer period of time.
The work of local government is funded mainly by property taxes in the local area, known as rates. This makes up around 60% of council expenditure, with the rest coming from user charges, investment income, regulatory fees and roading subsidies. Councils can also borrow money to spread the cost of large investments such as infrastructure over a longer period of time.
Apply new innovative uses of technology and investments to create more income streams and lessen the burden on ratepayers.
Manage council debt appropriately so that the debt is working to grow the investment profile of our district and pay itself off.
Investigate the need to have a financial standing committee to assist councillors in financial management and planning in bigger projects.
Form a finance committee with limited member numbers to ensure members have the required financial skills required.
Review of current commercial assets and investigate the ability to put the current assets into a council-controlled organisation similar to the model Far North District Council has with Far North Holdings.
Review all current expenditure to ensure expenditure is required, and current budget expectations are met.
Review current spend levels to protect ratepayer exposure to budget overruns.
Review future spend to project council debt ratio thus understand the council's financial leverage and debt-to-equity ratio.
I believe in not increasing rates any more than has been forecast unless an extraordinary event occurs and then only with formal consultation.
I believe in not increasing debt more than has been forecast unless an extraordinary event occurs and then only with formal consultation.
The economy is under huge pressure from the Ukraine war. Half the world's oil and fertiliser used to come from Russia. Need to be very prudent.
Encourage reducing rates increases to the Consumer Price Index only, therefore allowing our district to grow, and people to afford to have a home.
Encourage other ways to provide outside income to the district, such as creating waste revenue programmes that can look after Auckland.
Encourage working with contractors to get better performances and value for money on jobs.
We can work with people we know here and the people they connect with in Wellington for the benefit of Whangārei.
Bring the council together to focus our strategy on what is important for ratepayers. The new strategy must look at value for rates paid.
Apply new innovative uses of technology and investments to create more income streams and lessen the burden on ratepayers.
Manage council debt appropriately so that the debt is working to grow the investment profile of our district and pay itself off.
Investigate the need to have a financial standing committee to assist councillors in financial management and planning in bigger projects.
Form a finance committee with limited member numbers to ensure members have the required financial skills required.
Review of current commercial assets and investigate the ability to put the current assets into a council-controlled organisation similar to the model Far North District Council has with Far North Holdings.
Review all current expenditure to ensure expenditure is required, and current budget expectations are met.
Review current spend levels to protect ratepayer exposure to budget overruns.
Review future spend to project council debt ratio thus understand the council's financial leverage and debt-to-equity ratio.
I believe in not increasing rates any more than has been forecast unless an extraordinary event occurs and then only with formal consultation.
I believe in not increasing debt more than has been forecast unless an extraordinary event occurs and then only with formal consultation.
The economy is under huge pressure from the Ukraine war. Half the world's oil and fertiliser used to come from Russia. Need to be very prudent.
Encourage reducing rates increases to the Consumer Price Index only, therefore allowing our district to grow, and people to afford to have a home.
Encourage other ways to provide outside income to the district, such as creating waste revenue programmes that can look after Auckland.
Encourage working with contractors to get better performances and value for money on jobs.
We can work with people we know here and the people they connect with in Wellington for the benefit of Whangārei.
Bring the council together to focus our strategy on what is important for ratepayers. The new strategy must look at value for rates paid.
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