Karl Thomas Geiringer
Christopher Gordon
Animal Justice Party
Michael Appleby
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party
Meg Lim
Vision NZ
Tamatha Paul
Green Party
Scott Sheeran
National Party
Taylor Arneil
NZ First
Natalia Albert
The Opportunities Party (TOP)
Ibrahim Omer
Labour Party
Pete Bains
Don Franks
Workers Now Party
| Not currently in parliament
| Not currently in parliament
As an independent candidate, I am driven by a strong passion for making a positive difference, promoting equality and uplifting our community through social empowerment. As an independent candidate, I hope to set an example for future candidates that an individual only needs to take the first step to realise that they can make a change for their betterment and our society.
I want New Zealand to be equal, respectful, and have wellbeing for all. We need to plan for the future and solve the problems today, not leave them for our children. We need to use innovation and creativity to lead the world in new industries. We need to develop our people's skills through work, education, and training. We also need to respect and value the Treaty of Waitangi, which is crucial for our history and unity.
Not currently in parliament
Pipitea, Wellington
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
As an independent candidate, I am driven by a strong passion for making a positive difference, promoting equality and uplifting our community through social empowerment. As an independent candidate, I hope to set an example for future candidates that an individual only needs to take the first step to realise that they can make a change for their betterment and our society.
I want New Zealand to be equal, respectful, and have wellbeing for all. We need to plan for the future and solve the problems today, not leave them for our children. We need to use innovation and creativity to lead the world in new industries. We need to develop our people's skills through work, education, and training. We also need to respect and value the Treaty of Waitangi, which is crucial for our history and unity.
Not currently in parliament
Pipitea, Wellington
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
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