Karl Thomas Geiringer
Christopher Gordon
Animal Justice Party
Michael Appleby
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party
Meg Lim
Vision NZ
Tamatha Paul
Green Party
Scott Sheeran
National Party
Taylor Arneil
NZ First
Natalia Albert
The Opportunities Party (TOP)
Ibrahim Omer
Labour Party
Pete Bains
Don Franks
Workers Now Party
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Wellington Central is the most progressive electorate in Aotearoa. I want to ensure that we have a city that reflects our values and increases the pace of change to make life affordable and meet our climate targets. This includes building thousands of affordable, good quality homes; building light rail to decarbonise our transport system and make the wider bus network reliable; and making our tax system fair.
It has been an honour and a privilege representing you as a city councillor for four years. I have been at the coalface of challenging conversations around greater housing density, decarbonising our transport system and fighting for health-based solutions to care for our most vulnerable. My track record shows that I know how to be effective. Being an MP will allow me to accelerate the change you want to see in our city.
Not currently in parliament
Wellington City Councillor
Aro Valley
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
Wellington Central is the most progressive electorate in Aotearoa. I want to ensure that we have a city that reflects our values and increases the pace of change to make life affordable and meet our climate targets. This includes building thousands of affordable, good quality homes; building light rail to decarbonise our transport system and make the wider bus network reliable; and making our tax system fair.
It has been an honour and a privilege representing you as a city councillor for four years. I have been at the coalface of challenging conversations around greater housing density, decarbonising our transport system and fighting for health-based solutions to care for our most vulnerable. My track record shows that I know how to be effective. Being an MP will allow me to accelerate the change you want to see in our city.
Not currently in parliament
Wellington City Councillor
Aro Valley
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
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Each part of the country is represented in Parliament by an electorate MP. We've asked every candidate about their priorities for your community and why they deserve your vote.