Wellington Central electorate

Wellington Central covers the inner suburbs of Thorndon, Northland, Kelburn, Highbury, Brooklyn, Mount Cook, Te Aro, Oriental Bay, Mount Victoria and parts of Wilton. It also includes Karori and Mākara Beach. The seat is currently held by Labour's Grant Robertson, who won safely with a margin of 18,878. Robertson is not standing again in 2023, but remains on Labour's list. In 2020, Labour won the greatest share of party votes in Wellington Central – 43% to Green's 30%. The seat was once held by Peter Fraser, New Zealand's 24th prime minister, who held the seat from 1918 to 1946.

Tamatha Paul

Green Party

| Not currently in parliament

Tamatha Paul

Green Party

| Not currently in parliament

Why I'm standing

Wellington Central is the most progressive electorate in Aotearoa. I want to ensure that we have a city that reflects our values and increases the pace of change to make life affordable and meet our climate targets. This includes building thousands of affordable, good quality homes; building light rail to decarbonise our transport system and make the wider bus network reliable; and making our tax system fair.

About me

It has been an honour and a privilege representing you as a city councillor for four years. I have been at the coalface of challenging conversations around greater housing density, decarbonising our transport system and fighting for health-based solutions to care for our most vulnerable. My track record shows that I know how to be effective. Being an MP will allow me to accelerate the change you want to see in our city.

My priorities
  1. Housing: rent controls, rental warrant of fitness and building more affordable, good quality homes.
  2. Transport: accelerating the delivery of light rail & making the wider bus and train network reliable.
  3. Tax: a $10,000 tax-free threshold, implementing a wealth tax and liveable incomes for all.
Current role

Not currently in parliament

Before politics

Wellington City Councillor


Aro Valley



Year entered parliament

Not previously in parliament

2020 result

Did not stand

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Why I'm standing

Wellington Central is the most progressive electorate in Aotearoa. I want to ensure that we have a city that reflects our values and increases the pace of change to make life affordable and meet our climate targets. This includes building thousands of affordable, good quality homes; building light rail to decarbonise our transport system and make the wider bus network reliable; and making our tax system fair.

About me

It has been an honour and a privilege representing you as a city councillor for four years. I have been at the coalface of challenging conversations around greater housing density, decarbonising our transport system and fighting for health-based solutions to care for our most vulnerable. My track record shows that I know how to be effective. Being an MP will allow me to accelerate the change you want to see in our city.

My priorities
  1. Housing: rent controls, rental warrant of fitness and building more affordable, good quality homes.
  2. Transport: accelerating the delivery of light rail & making the wider bus and train network reliable.
  3. Tax: a $10,000 tax-free threshold, implementing a wealth tax and liveable incomes for all.
Current role

Not currently in parliament

Before politics

Wellington City Councillor


Aro Valley



Year entered parliament

Not previously in parliament

2020 result

Did not stand

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