Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
I am standing for Whangaparāoa because a healthy community and country requires a healthy, unpolluted planet on which we can thrive. I have lived on the coast for the last 22 years and I love it. It's important that the coast stays a beautiful, healthy, caring place so the children of the future can also flourish. We need strong Green Party representation in government to continue our quest for longer term health and well-being.
From a farming background, I was an active part of the community including school board of trustees, play centre, sports and other community groups. Agriculture is the part of our economy most at risk from climate change. We need to work together to find solutions. The latter part of my life has been teaching in the tertiary sector. I have a particular interest in communication. It's our communicating that helps us work through our differences, survive and thrive.
Not currently in parliament
Tertiary Education
Red Beach
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
I am standing for Whangaparāoa because a healthy community and country requires a healthy, unpolluted planet on which we can thrive. I have lived on the coast for the last 22 years and I love it. It's important that the coast stays a beautiful, healthy, caring place so the children of the future can also flourish. We need strong Green Party representation in government to continue our quest for longer term health and well-being.
From a farming background, I was an active part of the community including school board of trustees, play centre, sports and other community groups. Agriculture is the part of our economy most at risk from climate change. We need to work together to find solutions. The latter part of my life has been teaching in the tertiary sector. I have a particular interest in communication. It's our communicating that helps us work through our differences, survive and thrive.
Not currently in parliament
Tertiary Education
Red Beach
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
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