Henderson-Massey Local Board

The Henderson-Massey Local Board is one of 21 local boards in Auckland. The local board makes a plan for your area and decides on local issues, activities and facilities. It also oversees council services and facilities in your area, including libraries and parks. The local board is made up of eight members. This is a first past the post (FPP) election, so you vote by ticking the name of your preferred candidate on your ballot paper. Compare the candidates and their policies to decide who to vote for in the Henderson-Massey Local Board election.

Climate change and resilience

Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.

Climate change and resilience

Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.

  • Commit to pursuing outcomes in the Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri, Urban Ngahere Strategy and the local Henderson-Massey Climate Action Plan.

    Prepare for impacts of climate change with climate change adaption measures ecological restoration and supporting food resilience planning.

    Advocate for decarbonisation of transport system including promoting active transport modes.

  • I advocate for the development of communities facilities that reduce our carbon footprint and help address the climate crisis.

    I support the formulation of an ecological restoration plane for the flood prone Waimoko Stream.

    I will continue to support the Henderson Massey Local Board Climate Action Plan developed by the current Labour party members of the Henderson Massey Local Board.

  • Develop community facilities that reduce our carbon footprint.

    Develop an ecological restoration plan for the flood-prone Waimoko Stream.

    Provide funding to reopen the former Waitākere City Council plant nursery in Rānui.

  • Advocate for better public transport that's fast, frequent, safe and affordable. Advocate/support more safe cycleways and walkways.

    Support increased tree canopies in our area (Urban Ngahere (Forest) Strategy). Investigate better tree planting strategies for roadways.

    Support and empower local community organisations and their initiatives that help address climate change.

  • Invest in environmental sector including beach and waterway clean-ups and support to local community tree-planting and pest eradication efforts.

    Increase local board control and funding to better manage local parks and playground maintenance.

    Ensure green space protection provisions provide good quality parks and adequate green spaces particularly in areas of increasing density.

  • Try and promote electric vehicles, I have a Toyota Aqua hybrid, my oldest son has a chargeable electric vehicle.

    Ensure that we have some funds to commit if we suffer any weather problems caused by climate change.

  • Drive the development of various community facilities to limit the effects of climate change.

    Initiate environmental projects that help to mitigate the effects of climate change.

    Restore the Waimoko Stream and other ecologically beneficial projects in the area, such as in Sunnyvale.

  • Commit to creating a more resilient, zero carbon, healthy West Auckland.

    Continue to implement the Henderson-Massey Local Board Climate Action and Urban Ngahere Plans.

    Advocate for fast, frequent and reliable public transport and more investment in cycleways/walkways and micro-mobility.

  • Commit to strengthening rules on gas emissions.

    Commit to seeing what more can be done to combat climate change.

    Commit to finding solutions to strengthening earthquake infrastructure.

  • The council should enable things to happen not to undertake them. An 8-year time frame is unrealistic. A more realistic goal is 18 years.

    Natural disasters, require Civil Defence. Educate companies about preparation for a disaster. Prepare for volcanic eruption and flooding.

    Earthquake strengthening of all buildings should be carried out. Preparation for more floods and slips and where homes can be built safely.

  • Tackle climate change by halving its net greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

    Manage current flood risks better.

    Use green and new building technologies that will be better for the climate.

  • Support low-emission public transport networks and develop safe and direct walking and cycling routes.

    Advocate for a workable design for Henderson's neglected town centre and the timely commencement of work on the Lincoln Road upgrade.

    Back moves to future-proof waste water infrastructure and transport corridors to tackle the challenges of climate change.

  • Support Henderson Massey Local Board Climate Change Action Plan and continue partnerships with our community for real change.

    Support Urban Ngahere and planting more trees in parks and public spaces and continuing protection of the Waitākere Ranges and foothills.

    Support sustainable solutions, including infrastructure, that protects our awa and recognises the importance of water quality.

  • Commit to pursuing outcomes in the Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri, Urban Ngahere Strategy and the local Henderson-Massey Climate Action Plan.

    Prepare for impacts of climate change with climate change adaption measures ecological restoration and supporting food resilience planning.

    Advocate for decarbonisation of transport system including promoting active transport modes.

  • I advocate for the development of communities facilities that reduce our carbon footprint and help address the climate crisis.

    I support the formulation of an ecological restoration plane for the flood prone Waimoko Stream.

    I will continue to support the Henderson Massey Local Board Climate Action Plan developed by the current Labour party members of the Henderson Massey Local Board.

  • Develop community facilities that reduce our carbon footprint.

    Develop an ecological restoration plan for the flood-prone Waimoko Stream.

    Provide funding to reopen the former Waitākere City Council plant nursery in Rānui.

  • Advocate for better public transport that's fast, frequent, safe and affordable. Advocate/support more safe cycleways and walkways.

    Support increased tree canopies in our area (Urban Ngahere (Forest) Strategy). Investigate better tree planting strategies for roadways.

    Support and empower local community organisations and their initiatives that help address climate change.

  • Invest in environmental sector including beach and waterway clean-ups and support to local community tree-planting and pest eradication efforts.

    Increase local board control and funding to better manage local parks and playground maintenance.

    Ensure green space protection provisions provide good quality parks and adequate green spaces particularly in areas of increasing density.

  • Try and promote electric vehicles, I have a Toyota Aqua hybrid, my oldest son has a chargeable electric vehicle.

    Ensure that we have some funds to commit if we suffer any weather problems caused by climate change.

  • Drive the development of various community facilities to limit the effects of climate change.

    Initiate environmental projects that help to mitigate the effects of climate change.

    Restore the Waimoko Stream and other ecologically beneficial projects in the area, such as in Sunnyvale.

  • Commit to creating a more resilient, zero carbon, healthy West Auckland.

    Continue to implement the Henderson-Massey Local Board Climate Action and Urban Ngahere Plans.

    Advocate for fast, frequent and reliable public transport and more investment in cycleways/walkways and micro-mobility.

  • Commit to strengthening rules on gas emissions.

    Commit to seeing what more can be done to combat climate change.

    Commit to finding solutions to strengthening earthquake infrastructure.

  • The council should enable things to happen not to undertake them. An 8-year time frame is unrealistic. A more realistic goal is 18 years.

    Natural disasters, require Civil Defence. Educate companies about preparation for a disaster. Prepare for volcanic eruption and flooding.

    Earthquake strengthening of all buildings should be carried out. Preparation for more floods and slips and where homes can be built safely.

  • Tackle climate change by halving its net greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

    Manage current flood risks better.

    Use green and new building technologies that will be better for the climate.

  • Support low-emission public transport networks and develop safe and direct walking and cycling routes.

    Advocate for a workable design for Henderson's neglected town centre and the timely commencement of work on the Lincoln Road upgrade.

    Back moves to future-proof waste water infrastructure and transport corridors to tackle the challenges of climate change.

  • Support Henderson Massey Local Board Climate Change Action Plan and continue partnerships with our community for real change.

    Support Urban Ngahere and planting more trees in parks and public spaces and continuing protection of the Waitākere Ranges and foothills.

    Support sustainable solutions, including infrastructure, that protects our awa and recognises the importance of water quality.

Auckland Council - Find Candidates
Auckland Council - Find Candidates