Local councils are responsible for land use planning under the Resource Management Act, which affects where and how new houses are constructed, as well as the design of cities and towns. In some areas, councils also provide housing to those who need it most.
Local councils are responsible for land use planning under the Resource Management Act, which affects where and how new houses are constructed, as well as the design of cities and towns. In some areas, councils also provide housing to those who need it most.
Support and execute the proposed plans by the Māori Ward candidates for Papakainga Housing projects.
Formulate a landlord warrant of fitness strategy to ensure rentals are healthy and affordable for tenants.
Investigate what would be required to bring Housing First to Taranaki.
Embrace partnerships with local iwi and hapū who are focussed on addressing our housing crisis in the region.
Simplify processes working alongside council staff to support residents in understanding and navigating their way through the red tape.
Support the purchase of land to increase council owned kaumatua housing to ensure our elderly have appropriate and affordable housing.
Make resource consents much easier and quicker for new home builders.
Question the practice of grant consents for huge shopping centres away from the bulk of population and public transport rotes.
Maintain and improve our precious parks and reserves.
Improve availability and quality of housing by facilitating cross-sector conversations and in partnership, making investments required.
Ensure that planning regulations allow higher density housing, to cater for the increasing need, ageing population and reducing emissions.
Upgrade our Housing for the Elderly portfolio, improving the quality and increasing the number of units.
Make building consents more robust for new homes and ensure that new buildings will withstand higher winds and coast erosion.
Commit to building and having more elderly council housing with local iwi, papakāinga.
Increase use of parks by making them more available, aesthetic and family friendly for extended family groups.
Land supply and zoning. Action planning with land sections, housing, industrial areas to be addressed for availability and proposals.
Homelessness: submission from public private sectors. Availability around discussing opportunities to establish areas, redevelop.
Urban spaces and streetscapes. Working together within the community and private sectors, Contractors/Sub Contractors for clean up crews.
Support the Taranaki Mayoral Forum as a regional recovery team to address housing as the most significant issue affecting the region.
Support the Seaport Land Company to ensure the rezoning in the district plan allows for the Ngamotu Prescient Development to go ahead ASAP.
To proactively lead the New Plymouth CBD strategy to ensure urban spaces and streetscapes are contemporary and inter-generational.
Make sure adequate land is zoned appropriately to meet future demand.
The Coolstores development should progress. Port Taranaki needs to pull their heads in and work with the developers of this far-sighted project.
Implement bylaw to prevent New Plymouth motels from becoming the next 'Rotorua style'' any more than exists. This open policy has destroyed Rotorua.
Stop streetscapes intruding onto carriage/parking spaces. Expedite existing stalled plans for link from inner city to Pukekura.
Lobby central government to return GST for new builds to New Plymouth District Council to finance the development of adequate residential infrastructure.
Explore ways to balance planning/consenting requirements with affordable housing models, eg papakainga, co-housing, tiny homes, etc.
Ensure there's no tolerance for internal bureaucracy in planning and consenting processes.
Find creative solutions to lower the cost of all housing. This is the quickest mechanism to raise the community overall standard of living.
Promote and support the use energy and water efficient appliances. Discourage wasteful in-sink waste disposal systems.
Actively work with central government agencies and non-governmental organisations to lift our people out of poverty and homelessness.
Support and execute the proposed plans by the Māori Ward candidates for Papakainga Housing projects.
Formulate a landlord warrant of fitness strategy to ensure rentals are healthy and affordable for tenants.
Investigate what would be required to bring Housing First to Taranaki.
Embrace partnerships with local iwi and hapū who are focussed on addressing our housing crisis in the region.
Simplify processes working alongside council staff to support residents in understanding and navigating their way through the red tape.
Support the purchase of land to increase council owned kaumatua housing to ensure our elderly have appropriate and affordable housing.
Make resource consents much easier and quicker for new home builders.
Question the practice of grant consents for huge shopping centres away from the bulk of population and public transport rotes.
Maintain and improve our precious parks and reserves.
Improve availability and quality of housing by facilitating cross-sector conversations and in partnership, making investments required.
Ensure that planning regulations allow higher density housing, to cater for the increasing need, ageing population and reducing emissions.
Upgrade our Housing for the Elderly portfolio, improving the quality and increasing the number of units.
Make building consents more robust for new homes and ensure that new buildings will withstand higher winds and coast erosion.
Commit to building and having more elderly council housing with local iwi, papakāinga.
Increase use of parks by making them more available, aesthetic and family friendly for extended family groups.
Land supply and zoning. Action planning with land sections, housing, industrial areas to be addressed for availability and proposals.
Homelessness: submission from public private sectors. Availability around discussing opportunities to establish areas, redevelop.
Urban spaces and streetscapes. Working together within the community and private sectors, Contractors/Sub Contractors for clean up crews.
Support the Taranaki Mayoral Forum as a regional recovery team to address housing as the most significant issue affecting the region.
Support the Seaport Land Company to ensure the rezoning in the district plan allows for the Ngamotu Prescient Development to go ahead ASAP.
To proactively lead the New Plymouth CBD strategy to ensure urban spaces and streetscapes are contemporary and inter-generational.
Make sure adequate land is zoned appropriately to meet future demand.
The Coolstores development should progress. Port Taranaki needs to pull their heads in and work with the developers of this far-sighted project.
Implement bylaw to prevent New Plymouth motels from becoming the next 'Rotorua style'' any more than exists. This open policy has destroyed Rotorua.
Stop streetscapes intruding onto carriage/parking spaces. Expedite existing stalled plans for link from inner city to Pukekura.
Lobby central government to return GST for new builds to New Plymouth District Council to finance the development of adequate residential infrastructure.
Explore ways to balance planning/consenting requirements with affordable housing models, eg papakainga, co-housing, tiny homes, etc.
Ensure there's no tolerance for internal bureaucracy in planning and consenting processes.
Find creative solutions to lower the cost of all housing. This is the quickest mechanism to raise the community overall standard of living.
Promote and support the use energy and water efficient appliances. Discourage wasteful in-sink waste disposal systems.
Actively work with central government agencies and non-governmental organisations to lift our people out of poverty and homelessness.
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