New Plymouth District Council

New Plymouth District At Large
The New Plymouth District Council provides local services and facilities, such as public transport, rubbish and recycling, libraries, parks, and recreation facilities. It also makes decisions about building and planning, local regulations, and infrastructure, such as water supply and sewerage. The council is made up of 14 councillors and the mayor. This election is for the five councillors elected by all voters in the city. The other councillors will be elected to represent wards (areas in the city). This is a single transferable vote (STV) election, so you vote by ranking the candidates on your ballot paper. Compare the candidates and their policies to decide who to vote for in the New Plymouth District Council election.

Murray Seamark


| Clifton Community Board Member

Murray Seamark


| Clifton Community Board Member

Why I'm standing

I am standing to ensure fare and equitable representation of our rural and smaller communities. I am concerned that with the reduction of the Rural Ward representatives council will be dominated by the city voice. I am also concerned about the growing inequities within our communities and want to address policies and practise that allow this to happen.

About me

I am the current chair of the Clifton Community Board. I enjoy the rural community I live in and am actively involved within it. I have a strong sense of justice and have the courage to stand up the injustices and inequities within our communities. I am a previous business owner and understand the values of teams and being entrepreneurial. I engage with tangata whenua and value the discussion they bring to the table.

My priorities
  1. Ensure the rural voice counts.
  2. Keep officers accountable.
  3. Promote community equity as this ensures security.
Current role

Clifton Community Board Member

Before politics

Business consultant





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Why I'm standing

I am standing to ensure fare and equitable representation of our rural and smaller communities. I am concerned that with the reduction of the Rural Ward representatives council will be dominated by the city voice. I am also concerned about the growing inequities within our communities and want to address policies and practise that allow this to happen.

About me

I am the current chair of the Clifton Community Board. I enjoy the rural community I live in and am actively involved within it. I have a strong sense of justice and have the courage to stand up the injustices and inequities within our communities. I am a previous business owner and understand the values of teams and being entrepreneurial. I engage with tangata whenua and value the discussion they bring to the table.

My priorities
  1. Ensure the rural voice counts.
  2. Keep officers accountable.
  3. Promote community equity as this ensures security.
Current role

Clifton Community Board Member

Before politics

Business consultant





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