West Harbour Community Board

The West Harbour Community Board represents your local community and advocates to Dunedin City Council about local issues, including public transport and facilities such as libraries and parks. The board is made up of six members. This is a single transferable vote (STV) election, so you vote by ranking the candidates on your ballot paper. Compare the candidates and their policies to decide who to vote for in the West Harbour Community Board election.

Recreation and culture

From parks and libraries to museums and art galleries, councils can be a key supporter of sporting, recreational and cultural events that bring communities to life. Community facilities, including sports grounds and town halls, are often owned and run by councils.

Recreation and culture

From parks and libraries to museums and art galleries, councils can be a key supporter of sporting, recreational and cultural events that bring communities to life. Community facilities, including sports grounds and town halls, are often owned and run by councils.

  • Promote increased community use of West Harbour educational, cultural and recreational services and facilities.

  • Use the community hall or other halls for community events or gatherings.

  • Promote specific West Harbour events and festivals that build community and attract visitors to the West Harbour.

  • Promote the use of local halls for small theatre groups, musicians, and markets and explore establishing a local movie theatre.

    Collaborate with residents working to create safe play grounds where they are of most use.

    Collaborate with groups keen to restore and find a contemporary use for local heritage buildings.

  • Extend the open season of the Port Chalmers Pool.

    Extend the opening hours of the Port Chalmers Library.

    Facilitate greater cooperation between West Harbour Community Board and Port Chalmers Maritime Museum.

  • Increase the opening season of the Port Chalmers pool.

    More/better facilities and open spaces for sport and recreation.

    Support community events and markets, and encourage more of these to be held/promoted to bring in people from other areas of Dunedin.

  • Look at better access to Otago Harbour associated with the West Harbour Walkway extension.

    Look at better sporting facilities associated with the existing sports grounds such as access to toilets and equipment.

  • Enhance our local parks to encourage usage. Remove weed trees for more light and fence off highway for safety. Provide seats and bins.

    Support our local markets for the fun and connectivity they bring. Foster them as they incubate small business and bring character and life.

    Extend the Port Chalmers pool season to include the first term school holidays and encourage a cycle and swim cross-fit event to boost use.

  • Promote increased community use of West Harbour educational, cultural and recreational services and facilities.

  • Use the community hall or other halls for community events or gatherings.

  • Promote specific West Harbour events and festivals that build community and attract visitors to the West Harbour.

  • Promote the use of local halls for small theatre groups, musicians, and markets and explore establishing a local movie theatre.

    Collaborate with residents working to create safe play grounds where they are of most use.

    Collaborate with groups keen to restore and find a contemporary use for local heritage buildings.

  • Extend the open season of the Port Chalmers Pool.

    Extend the opening hours of the Port Chalmers Library.

    Facilitate greater cooperation between West Harbour Community Board and Port Chalmers Maritime Museum.

  • Increase the opening season of the Port Chalmers pool.

    More/better facilities and open spaces for sport and recreation.

    Support community events and markets, and encourage more of these to be held/promoted to bring in people from other areas of Dunedin.

  • Look at better access to Otago Harbour associated with the West Harbour Walkway extension.

    Look at better sporting facilities associated with the existing sports grounds such as access to toilets and equipment.

  • Enhance our local parks to encourage usage. Remove weed trees for more light and fence off highway for safety. Provide seats and bins.

    Support our local markets for the fun and connectivity they bring. Foster them as they incubate small business and bring character and life.

    Extend the Port Chalmers pool season to include the first term school holidays and encourage a cycle and swim cross-fit event to boost use.