Whangārei electorate

Whangārei is currently held by Labour's Emily Henderson, who won by a narrow margin of 431 – one of the smallest margins in the country. Henderson is not standing again in 2023. In 2020, Labour won the greatest share of party votes in Whangārei – 47% to National's 26%.

Jeni de Jong

Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party

| Not currently in parliament

Jeni de Jong

Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party

| Not currently in parliament

Why I'm standing

I'm a cannabis user and I don't believe I'm a criminal. Our 2020 elections saw 1.4 million want a legal cannabis law and I'm here to help push that voice. I survived a terminal condition with use of cannabis and believe everyone should have the freedom to choose whether a plant or a pill, and be able to grow their own if needed.

About me

I have a background in business and management. Worked in the local schools as a teacher aid and support many small groups. I want to see our community grow healthy with housing, education and health issues which are very important to me.

My priorities
  1. Legalise cannabis with law and order.
  2. Sort out the backlog on health and housing waiting lists.
  3. Sort out the roadworks on all our roads as soon as possible with an audit on the costing of the past three years.
Candidate list rank


Current role

Not currently in parliament

Before politics

Teacher Aid





Year entered parliament

Not previously in parliament

2020 result

Did not stand

Connect via
Why I'm standing

I'm a cannabis user and I don't believe I'm a criminal. Our 2020 elections saw 1.4 million want a legal cannabis law and I'm here to help push that voice. I survived a terminal condition with use of cannabis and believe everyone should have the freedom to choose whether a plant or a pill, and be able to grow their own if needed.

About me

I have a background in business and management. Worked in the local schools as a teacher aid and support many small groups. I want to see our community grow healthy with housing, education and health issues which are very important to me.

My priorities
  1. Legalise cannabis with law and order.
  2. Sort out the backlog on health and housing waiting lists.
  3. Sort out the roadworks on all our roads as soon as possible with an audit on the costing of the past three years.
Candidate list rank


Current role

Not currently in parliament

Before politics

Teacher Aid





Year entered parliament

Not previously in parliament

2020 result

Did not stand

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