Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
The Green Party is needed now more than ever to tackle issues such as a climate emergency, the environment, child poverty, income inequality, and the breakdown of public services and infrastructure. We only have one planet and we all have a responsibility and duty of care to look after it. The Greens have the practical and ethical policies, including an equitable tax system, to provide a fair and liveable planet for all.
I have been an advocate for the environment, the climate, human rights and social justice for most of my life. Teaching is my passion. Having children, and being able to look them in the eye and say I stood up for these values, just reinforces that point. I have a broad background of social sciences, including economics. Travelling extensively around the world has given me a broad perspective on what works and doesn't work.
Not currently in parliament
Specialist Teacher
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
The Green Party is needed now more than ever to tackle issues such as a climate emergency, the environment, child poverty, income inequality, and the breakdown of public services and infrastructure. We only have one planet and we all have a responsibility and duty of care to look after it. The Greens have the practical and ethical policies, including an equitable tax system, to provide a fair and liveable planet for all.
I have been an advocate for the environment, the climate, human rights and social justice for most of my life. Teaching is my passion. Having children, and being able to look them in the eye and say I stood up for these values, just reinforces that point. I have a broad background of social sciences, including economics. Travelling extensively around the world has given me a broad perspective on what works and doesn't work.
Not currently in parliament
Specialist Teacher
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
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