Greater Wellington Regional Council

Te Awa Kairangi ki Uta/Upper Hutt Constituency
The Greater Wellington Regional Council makes decisions about managing resources in the region, such as air, water, soil and the coastline. It also carries out plant and pest control, helps prepare for natural disasters, and is involved in regional transport. The council is made up of 13 councillors. Councillors are elected to represent constituencies (areas in the region). One councillor will be elected from the Te Awa Kairangi ki Uta/Upper Hutt constituency. This is a single transferable vote (STV) election, so you vote by ranking the candidates on your ballot paper. Compare the candidates and their policies to decide who to vote for in the Greater Wellington Regional Council election.


Helping communities get from A to B is a key responsibility of local government, from making sure the buses run on time to providing car parking and walking and cycling paths. Whether public transport is the responsibility of the regional or local council depends on where you are in the country. Local councils also own 87% of New Zealand’s roads.


Helping communities get from A to B is a key responsibility of local government, from making sure the buses run on time to providing car parking and walking and cycling paths. Whether public transport is the responsibility of the regional or local council depends on where you are in the country. Local councils also own 87% of New Zealand’s roads.

  • Get going already. Let's Get Wellington Moving needs to be more than a meme or the punchline of a joke. We need a modern transport network.

    Lobby government. A shared regional voice with cohesive strategic transport planning will unlock better government investment in our region.

    Appreciate options. We need increased investment toward efficient regional roading networks as well as cycling, walking and public transport.

  • Fix the buses. Starting with driver and passenger health. Provide proper viral filtering in air con systems and consequences for assaults.

    Prioritise access options for people with compromised accessibility, eg wheelchair access in our parks.

  • Extend the Hutt Valley Train line and put in a new station at Timberlea.

    Advocate for all suburbs in Upper Hutt having a 7 day a week bus or train service.

    Roll-out on-demand bus service in less high density population areas.

  • Get going already. Let's Get Wellington Moving needs to be more than a meme or the punchline of a joke. We need a modern transport network.

    Lobby government. A shared regional voice with cohesive strategic transport planning will unlock better government investment in our region.

    Appreciate options. We need increased investment toward efficient regional roading networks as well as cycling, walking and public transport.

  • Fix the buses. Starting with driver and passenger health. Provide proper viral filtering in air con systems and consequences for assaults.

    Prioritise access options for people with compromised accessibility, eg wheelchair access in our parks.

  • Extend the Hutt Valley Train line and put in a new station at Timberlea.

    Advocate for all suburbs in Upper Hutt having a 7 day a week bus or train service.

    Roll-out on-demand bus service in less high density population areas.