Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.
Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.
Confirm a commitment, and progress thresholds, to plant natives and install walk/cycle ways on all 238 kilometres of Te Karamu waterways.
Measure, monitor, manage, mitigate and report on Hawke's Bay Regional Council's carbon footprint and progress thresholds towards carbon neutrality targets.
Lead and co-ordinate all Hawke's Bay councils' carbon management, carbon efficiency and drive sustainability initiatives.
Community need to lead the change they want. Working together, we need to find an inspiring vision of a low impact economy.
It's critical that we prepare communities for a changing climate. Preparation creates resilience in the face of change.
All our policies need to lead to better environmental, social and low carbon outcomes. Every part of council needs to commit to improving.
Develop a region-wide climate resilience strategy and plan, building on the proposed Regional Spatial Strategy.
Double down on the commitment to boosting alternatives to private motor vehicle transport – bus/train/cycle/walk.
Support Right Tree Right Place and regenerative farming approaches that improve our hill country resilience and store more carbon.
Fixing water, both quality and quantity. We have enough water, but we're not smart about how we collect it and how we use it.
Commit to water storage options and use that water to boost river flows in summer. This is a win for the environment and for water users.
Partner with the community. They have great ideas, so support their initiatives.
I support protecting our waterways and native forests. Personally I have converted our small hill block by planting 1000 natives.
Good governance employing common sense policies like I did as a previous district councillor.
Confirm a commitment, and progress thresholds, to plant natives and install walk/cycle ways on all 238 kilometres of Te Karamu waterways.
Measure, monitor, manage, mitigate and report on Hawke's Bay Regional Council's carbon footprint and progress thresholds towards carbon neutrality targets.
Lead and co-ordinate all Hawke's Bay councils' carbon management, carbon efficiency and drive sustainability initiatives.
Community need to lead the change they want. Working together, we need to find an inspiring vision of a low impact economy.
It's critical that we prepare communities for a changing climate. Preparation creates resilience in the face of change.
All our policies need to lead to better environmental, social and low carbon outcomes. Every part of council needs to commit to improving.
Develop a region-wide climate resilience strategy and plan, building on the proposed Regional Spatial Strategy.
Double down on the commitment to boosting alternatives to private motor vehicle transport – bus/train/cycle/walk.
Support Right Tree Right Place and regenerative farming approaches that improve our hill country resilience and store more carbon.
Fixing water, both quality and quantity. We have enough water, but we're not smart about how we collect it and how we use it.
Commit to water storage options and use that water to boost river flows in summer. This is a win for the environment and for water users.
Partner with the community. They have great ideas, so support their initiatives.
I support protecting our waterways and native forests. Personally I have converted our small hill block by planting 1000 natives.
Good governance employing common sense policies like I did as a previous district councillor.
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