Hawke's Bay Regional Council

Heretaunga/Hastings General Constituency
The Hawke's Bay Regional Council makes decisions about managing resources in the region, such as air, water, soil and the coastline. It also carries out plant and pest control, helps prepare for natural disasters, and is involved in regional transport. The council is made up of 11 councillors. Councillors are elected to represent constituencies (areas in the region). Three councillors will be elected from the Heretaunga/Hastings constituency. This is a first past the post (FPP) election, so you vote by ticking the name of your preferred candidate on your ballot paper. Compare the candidates and their policies to decide who to vote for in the Hawke's Bay Regional Council election.

Local democracy

Local government is a foundational part of our democracy. But local democracy isn’t just about holding elections every three years – it’s about the day-to-day ways people have their say in the decisions that affect us all.

Local democracy

Local government is a foundational part of our democracy. But local democracy isn’t just about holding elections every three years – it’s about the day-to-day ways people have their say in the decisions that affect us all.

  • Ensure diverse, balanced governance around the council table.

    Grow democratic engagement through citizen assemblies and similar. Showcase the value and excitement of local government.

    Implement a sustainable, equitable working environment for people from all backgrounds within our local government institutions.

  • I support democratic elections. I do not support govt interference via Three Waters and unelected representation.

  • Increase transparency and levels of communication from Hawke's Bay Regional Council on key regional initiatives – especially regional water security and Kotahi Plan.

  • Upgrade communications and consultations to improve engagement with the "silent majority".

    Acknowledge and "tune into" the environmental aspirations of ratepayers and how Hawke's Bay Regional Council can deliver upon these.

    Share corporate infrastructure with other organisations to get more effective and efficient outcomes for Hawke's Bay.

  • Engage the community to both understand what Hawke's Bay Regional Council does and to be part of the solution through community initiatives.

    Partner with agencies and provide employment opportunities.

  • Ensure diverse, balanced governance around the council table.

    Grow democratic engagement through citizen assemblies and similar. Showcase the value and excitement of local government.

    Implement a sustainable, equitable working environment for people from all backgrounds within our local government institutions.

  • I support democratic elections. I do not support govt interference via Three Waters and unelected representation.

  • Increase transparency and levels of communication from Hawke's Bay Regional Council on key regional initiatives – especially regional water security and Kotahi Plan.

  • Upgrade communications and consultations to improve engagement with the "silent majority".

    Acknowledge and "tune into" the environmental aspirations of ratepayers and how Hawke's Bay Regional Council can deliver upon these.

    Share corporate infrastructure with other organisations to get more effective and efficient outcomes for Hawke's Bay.

  • Engage the community to both understand what Hawke's Bay Regional Council does and to be part of the solution through community initiatives.

    Partner with agencies and provide employment opportunities.