Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.
Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.
Establish a policy to incentivise low carbon or green building materials for construction using the Climate Action Targeted Rate.
Incentivise reduction in individual carbon footprint, eg, installing solar energy, using e-bikes, e-scooters, upgrading to electric vehicles.
Proactively increase flooding resilience of properties and infrastructure using available research data on extreme rainfall scenarios.
Improve access to public transport to reduce carbon emissions.
Build stronger relationships with mana whenua.
Put climate action at the forefront of all local board decisions.
Establish a contestable grants fund to support flax roots climate action initiatives in the local board area.
Supporting the decarbonisation of our transport system which is the greatest source of emissions.
Reduce traffic congestion by working in partnership with Auckland Transport to make public transport more accessible.
Support well-being by advocating for Awataha marae to return to the Kaipātiki community and be re-established as an outward facing marae.
Support the future planning of Birkenhead, Glenfield, and Beachaven town centres to serve local communities and boost the local economy.
Commit to our local board working with Auckland Transport and Auckland Council to facilitate the expansion of electric transport.
Commit to supporting the protection of our reserves and bush. Coastal areas and vegetation need to be preserved and monitored.
Upgrade our water services and pipes to accomodate our water discharge and keep our beaches swimmable all year round.
Ensure Kaipātiki's growth is stringently filtered through a low-emissions lens.
Create wider community engagement with Civil Defence plans and infrastructure.
Support any necessary relocation of public services to more climate-resilient spaces.
Support the implementation of the Kaipātiki Local Board Climate Action Plan.
Action on Little Shoal Bay flooding and inundation.
Greening of Kaipātiki, with more park and street trees.
Ensure Kaipātiki's growth is stringently filtered through a low-emissions lens.
Create wider community engagement with civil defence plans and infrastructure.
Support any necessary relocation of public services to more climate-resilient spaces.
Establish a contestable grants fund to support flex roots climate action initiatives in the local board area.
Advocate to government board for the completion of a Shoreline adaption Plan for Kaipātiki local area.
Reduce carbon emissions by improving public transport frequency and providing better footpaths and cycleways options.
That our people understand the significance of climate change to our daily life and behave accordingly.
Establish policies that will help prepare those living in coastal areas in case of earthquakes.
Our community are environmentally aware and work together to live sustainably.
Support Auckland Council to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030.
Support the goal to reach net zero emissions by 2050.
Support proactive policies to build resilience in infrastructure to minimise the effects of climate change.
Have established a climate action plan for Kaipātiki and will ensure measurable outcomes are achieved with our community partners.
Continue work on our Little Shoal Bay adaptation plan, with community partners, mana whenua and Auckland Council.
Fund civil defence projects at a local level, working collaboratively with other local boards on the North Shore.
Establish access to residential water tanks for watering vegetable gardens during dry periods. Ensure road drains are functioning – floods.
Establish community civil defence groups and teach required skills. To ensure we have locally trained personal ready to go.
Encourage coastal living residents to plant native flora along our coast line to reduce cliff side erosion, with community 'working bees'.
Promote an e-shuttle ride-share fleet for Auckland to respond to the needs of those who can't ride or catch buses for any reason.
Advocate for a complete review of council's core use of concrete, asphalt, track metal (hoggin) etc.
Promote low/no mow – identify significant areas of reserves and berms that can be managed with less or no mowing/spraying.
Establish a policy to incentivise low carbon or green building materials for construction using the Climate Action Targeted Rate.
Incentivise reduction in individual carbon footprint, eg, installing solar energy, using e-bikes, e-scooters, upgrading to electric vehicles.
Proactively increase flooding resilience of properties and infrastructure using available research data on extreme rainfall scenarios.
Improve access to public transport to reduce carbon emissions.
Build stronger relationships with mana whenua.
Put climate action at the forefront of all local board decisions.
Establish a contestable grants fund to support flax roots climate action initiatives in the local board area.
Supporting the decarbonisation of our transport system which is the greatest source of emissions.
Reduce traffic congestion by working in partnership with Auckland Transport to make public transport more accessible.
Support well-being by advocating for Awataha marae to return to the Kaipātiki community and be re-established as an outward facing marae.
Support the future planning of Birkenhead, Glenfield, and Beachaven town centres to serve local communities and boost the local economy.
Commit to our local board working with Auckland Transport and Auckland Council to facilitate the expansion of electric transport.
Commit to supporting the protection of our reserves and bush. Coastal areas and vegetation need to be preserved and monitored.
Upgrade our water services and pipes to accomodate our water discharge and keep our beaches swimmable all year round.
Ensure Kaipātiki's growth is stringently filtered through a low-emissions lens.
Create wider community engagement with Civil Defence plans and infrastructure.
Support any necessary relocation of public services to more climate-resilient spaces.
Support the implementation of the Kaipātiki Local Board Climate Action Plan.
Action on Little Shoal Bay flooding and inundation.
Greening of Kaipātiki, with more park and street trees.
Ensure Kaipātiki's growth is stringently filtered through a low-emissions lens.
Create wider community engagement with civil defence plans and infrastructure.
Support any necessary relocation of public services to more climate-resilient spaces.
Establish a contestable grants fund to support flex roots climate action initiatives in the local board area.
Advocate to government board for the completion of a Shoreline adaption Plan for Kaipātiki local area.
Reduce carbon emissions by improving public transport frequency and providing better footpaths and cycleways options.
That our people understand the significance of climate change to our daily life and behave accordingly.
Establish policies that will help prepare those living in coastal areas in case of earthquakes.
Our community are environmentally aware and work together to live sustainably.
Support Auckland Council to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030.
Support the goal to reach net zero emissions by 2050.
Support proactive policies to build resilience in infrastructure to minimise the effects of climate change.
Have established a climate action plan for Kaipātiki and will ensure measurable outcomes are achieved with our community partners.
Continue work on our Little Shoal Bay adaptation plan, with community partners, mana whenua and Auckland Council.
Fund civil defence projects at a local level, working collaboratively with other local boards on the North Shore.
Establish access to residential water tanks for watering vegetable gardens during dry periods. Ensure road drains are functioning – floods.
Establish community civil defence groups and teach required skills. To ensure we have locally trained personal ready to go.
Encourage coastal living residents to plant native flora along our coast line to reduce cliff side erosion, with community 'working bees'.
Promote an e-shuttle ride-share fleet for Auckland to respond to the needs of those who can't ride or catch buses for any reason.
Advocate for a complete review of council's core use of concrete, asphalt, track metal (hoggin) etc.
Promote low/no mow – identify significant areas of reserves and berms that can be managed with less or no mowing/spraying.
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