Kāpiti Coast District Council

Kāpiti Coast District At Large
The Kāpiti Coast District Council provides local services and facilities, such as public transport, rubbish and recycling, libraries, parks, and recreation facilities. It also makes decisions about building and planning, local regulations, and infrastructure, such as water supply and sewerage. The council is made up of 10 councillors and the mayor. This election is for the three councillors elected by all voters in the district. The other councillors will be elected to represent wards (areas in the district). This is a single transferable vote (STV) election, so you vote by ranking the candidates on your ballot paper. Compare the candidates and their policies to decide who to vote for in the Kāpiti Coast District Council election.

Housing and planning

Local councils are responsible for land use planning under the Resource Management Act, which affects where and how new houses are constructed, as well as the design of cities and towns. In some areas, councils also provide housing to those who need it most.

Housing and planning

Local councils are responsible for land use planning under the Resource Management Act, which affects where and how new houses are constructed, as well as the design of cities and towns. In some areas, councils also provide housing to those who need it most.

  • Streamline the consenting process to redress the bad reputation Kāpiti Coast District Council has for regulatory services.

    Partner with private investors and property developers to increase the supply of affordable and social housing.

    Allow for housing intensification in town centres while preserving areas with special characteristics such as the Waikanae Garden area.

  • Work with central government and mana whenua to create affordable housing.

    Plan for intensified housing close to shops, services and public transport.

    Support the rejuvenation of town and village centres.

  • Ensure housing continues to be high on the agenda at council.

    Work to increase affordability and accessibility of housing.

    Work to change the perception that council is hard to work with and risk-averse when it comes to consenting.

  • Continue to support the development of our neighbourhoods as positive and thriving places to live. Hard for an identified high-growth area.

    Ensure every zoning change for development is utilised as an opportunity to plan to protect and improve natural features and green spaces.

    Lobby for council to continue to use the district plan change process to protect the unique character of our 19 villages.

  • Actively facilitate and support affordable housing construction, safe quality social housing, and monitor healthy homes requirements.

    Streamline consent processes without compromising due diligence.

    Identify iconic genuine special character areas to assist progressing housing intensification elsewhere.

  • Introduce proactive measures to reduce compliance costs, eg information and training sessions for community seeking consents.

    Support alternative housing solutions, eg co-housing, community trusts, tiny homes.

    Encourage low impact environmental design for all new developments.

  • Streamline the consenting process to redress the bad reputation Kāpiti Coast District Council has for regulatory services.

    Partner with private investors and property developers to increase the supply of affordable and social housing.

    Allow for housing intensification in town centres while preserving areas with special characteristics such as the Waikanae Garden area.

  • Work with central government and mana whenua to create affordable housing.

    Plan for intensified housing close to shops, services and public transport.

    Support the rejuvenation of town and village centres.

  • Ensure housing continues to be high on the agenda at council.

    Work to increase affordability and accessibility of housing.

    Work to change the perception that council is hard to work with and risk-averse when it comes to consenting.

  • Continue to support the development of our neighbourhoods as positive and thriving places to live. Hard for an identified high-growth area.

    Ensure every zoning change for development is utilised as an opportunity to plan to protect and improve natural features and green spaces.

    Lobby for council to continue to use the district plan change process to protect the unique character of our 19 villages.

  • Actively facilitate and support affordable housing construction, safe quality social housing, and monitor healthy homes requirements.

    Streamline consent processes without compromising due diligence.

    Identify iconic genuine special character areas to assist progressing housing intensification elsewhere.

  • Introduce proactive measures to reduce compliance costs, eg information and training sessions for community seeking consents.

    Support alternative housing solutions, eg co-housing, community trusts, tiny homes.

    Encourage low impact environmental design for all new developments.