Kāpiti Coast District Council

Kāpiti Coast District At Large
The Kāpiti Coast District Council provides local services and facilities, such as public transport, rubbish and recycling, libraries, parks, and recreation facilities. It also makes decisions about building and planning, local regulations, and infrastructure, such as water supply and sewerage. The council is made up of 10 councillors and the mayor. This election is for the three councillors elected by all voters in the district. The other councillors will be elected to represent wards (areas in the district). This is a single transferable vote (STV) election, so you vote by ranking the candidates on your ballot paper. Compare the candidates and their policies to decide who to vote for in the Kāpiti Coast District Council election.

Recreation and culture

From parks and libraries to museums and art galleries, councils can be a key supporter of sporting, recreational and cultural events that bring communities to life. Community facilities, including sports grounds and town halls, are often owned and run by councils.

Recreation and culture

From parks and libraries to museums and art galleries, councils can be a key supporter of sporting, recreational and cultural events that bring communities to life. Community facilities, including sports grounds and town halls, are often owned and run by councils.

  • Support a range of facilities and events that bring benefits to people across the district.

    Support the Waikanae library and service centre replacement project.

    Support the rejuvenation of Ōtaki and other town and village centres with particular mind to preserving the unique character of each.

  • Ensure ongoing maintenance and upgrading of public utilities like parks and reserves and encourage greater use of them.

    Promote in a practical way the unique contribution of Māori history and culture specific to Kāpiti.

    Use tourist strategy to partner promotions of cultural performances (eg Southwoods) and festivals (eg QE11 Park).

  • Open a fit-for-purpose Waikanae library.

    Review costs for use of sporting facilities exploring alternative models for maintenance.

    Support more community events in community parks and local town centres.

  • Ensure each of our town centres has at least one high quality meeting place where people can connect.

    Encourage ideas and proposals for creative projects that have community involvement.

    Establish Kāpiti as a nationally known centre for creativity.

  • Keep our community thriving through supporting great facilities and events.

  • Sell those facilities that are no longer required to fund maintain and improve those that are the building blocks of our communities.

    Prioritise the natural green spaces and natural features as the Kāpiti Coasts best assets and an important drawcard for visitors.

    Continue to fund the development of unique small, medium and large festivals and cultural events through the Long-term Plan and grant schemes.

  • Support a range of facilities and events that bring benefits to people across the district.

    Support the Waikanae library and service centre replacement project.

    Support the rejuvenation of Ōtaki and other town and village centres with particular mind to preserving the unique character of each.

  • Ensure ongoing maintenance and upgrading of public utilities like parks and reserves and encourage greater use of them.

    Promote in a practical way the unique contribution of Māori history and culture specific to Kāpiti.

    Use tourist strategy to partner promotions of cultural performances (eg Southwoods) and festivals (eg QE11 Park).

  • Open a fit-for-purpose Waikanae library.

    Review costs for use of sporting facilities exploring alternative models for maintenance.

    Support more community events in community parks and local town centres.

  • Ensure each of our town centres has at least one high quality meeting place where people can connect.

    Encourage ideas and proposals for creative projects that have community involvement.

    Establish Kāpiti as a nationally known centre for creativity.

  • Keep our community thriving through supporting great facilities and events.

  • Sell those facilities that are no longer required to fund maintain and improve those that are the building blocks of our communities.

    Prioritise the natural green spaces and natural features as the Kāpiti Coasts best assets and an important drawcard for visitors.

    Continue to fund the development of unique small, medium and large festivals and cultural events through the Long-term Plan and grant schemes.