Many councils help support local business and economic development. Some promote tourism in their area, or provide business support services and grants.
Many councils help support local business and economic development. Some promote tourism in their area, or provide business support services and grants.
Look for opportunities to increase attractiveness for businesses to move to/set up in Kāpiti.
Encourage entrepreneurs and startups in Kāpiti.
Work with the business sector to develop the infrastructure needed for growth.
Ensure Kāpiti Coast District Council has the widest range and best of sector expertise in redevelopment of the Kāpiti Coast economic Development Strategy in 2023.
Continue to lobby government to fund double tracking and electrification of rail to Palmerston North as a matter of urgency.
Insist no further disruptive infrastructure upgrade work is commenced in commercial areas unless the projects can be completed by deadline.
Invest in economic development by implementing the Economic Development Strategy.
Implement the Destination Strategy for Kāpiti, of which there have been several iterations.
Facilitate the establishment of a tertiary education facility in Kāpiti, especially for trades.
Promote town/village centres with special features as vibrant accessible hubs and enhance interconnectivity between them.
Support practical infrastructure projects that enhance employment opportunities and make good financial and environmental sense.
Develop tourist strategy based on natural beauty of the Coast (eg rivers, beaches, parks, museums). Adopt 'taste of Kāpiti' brand.
Pay all council employees and contractors a living wage – the minimum required to get the basics and participate in society.
Support multiple tourism ventures across the district that benefit a wide range of residents.
Support initiatives that focus on youth employment and training opportunities.
Look for opportunities to increase attractiveness for businesses to move to/set up in Kāpiti.
Encourage entrepreneurs and startups in Kāpiti.
Work with the business sector to develop the infrastructure needed for growth.
Ensure Kāpiti Coast District Council has the widest range and best of sector expertise in redevelopment of the Kāpiti Coast economic Development Strategy in 2023.
Continue to lobby government to fund double tracking and electrification of rail to Palmerston North as a matter of urgency.
Insist no further disruptive infrastructure upgrade work is commenced in commercial areas unless the projects can be completed by deadline.
Invest in economic development by implementing the Economic Development Strategy.
Implement the Destination Strategy for Kāpiti, of which there have been several iterations.
Facilitate the establishment of a tertiary education facility in Kāpiti, especially for trades.
Promote town/village centres with special features as vibrant accessible hubs and enhance interconnectivity between them.
Support practical infrastructure projects that enhance employment opportunities and make good financial and environmental sense.
Develop tourist strategy based on natural beauty of the Coast (eg rivers, beaches, parks, museums). Adopt 'taste of Kāpiti' brand.
Pay all council employees and contractors a living wage – the minimum required to get the basics and participate in society.
Support multiple tourism ventures across the district that benefit a wide range of residents.
Support initiatives that focus on youth employment and training opportunities.
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