Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.
Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.
Climate change is not an issue for me. I support any initiative that has sound scientific data which places no undue costs on ratepayers.
Advocate for our environment and waterways while balancing that with the continuation of strong economic development and growth.
Ensure we remain strong in the civil defence and emergency management space to be the most resilient district.
Take our climate change strategy and initiatives seriously, we as a district all need to live and breathe reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Commit to council doing its part in adapting to climate change and focusing on policies that enhance positive climate change objectives.
Continue pushing council preparedness for natural disaster relief and civil defence response capability including budget allocations.
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions through vehicle fleet changes, landfill gas flare technology.
Take a good look at progressive local and international climate change projects, ideas and adapt what fits our local needs.
Improve current climate change projects and consider new ideas such as replacing council's vehicles with electric vehicles where possible.
Develop a local natural disaster response strategy in line with the national strategies and be always prepared for such events.
Commit to council creating a comprehensive sustainability strategy by 2025.
Commit to council being wood-first as soon as possible.
Review, benchmark and implement Taupō District Council strategy to reduce emissions. Check process to date. Ensure collaboration with entities such as Scion.
Gain support for a wood first policy – civic buildings and housing. Facilitate insight/uptake of offsite construction/manufacturing/CNC.
Apply the eco principles of measure, manage and mitigate and leverage technology to enable real-time monitoring of water and native habitat.
Commit to evidence based decision making, before we send this country down the gurgler with unsubstantiated policies to save the planet.
Climate change is not an issue for me. I support any initiative that has sound scientific data which places no undue costs on ratepayers.
Advocate for our environment and waterways while balancing that with the continuation of strong economic development and growth.
Ensure we remain strong in the civil defence and emergency management space to be the most resilient district.
Take our climate change strategy and initiatives seriously, we as a district all need to live and breathe reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Commit to council doing its part in adapting to climate change and focusing on policies that enhance positive climate change objectives.
Continue pushing council preparedness for natural disaster relief and civil defence response capability including budget allocations.
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions through vehicle fleet changes, landfill gas flare technology.
Take a good look at progressive local and international climate change projects, ideas and adapt what fits our local needs.
Improve current climate change projects and consider new ideas such as replacing council's vehicles with electric vehicles where possible.
Develop a local natural disaster response strategy in line with the national strategies and be always prepared for such events.
Commit to council creating a comprehensive sustainability strategy by 2025.
Commit to council being wood-first as soon as possible.
Review, benchmark and implement Taupō District Council strategy to reduce emissions. Check process to date. Ensure collaboration with entities such as Scion.
Gain support for a wood first policy – civic buildings and housing. Facilitate insight/uptake of offsite construction/manufacturing/CNC.
Apply the eco principles of measure, manage and mitigate and leverage technology to enable real-time monitoring of water and native habitat.
Commit to evidence based decision making, before we send this country down the gurgler with unsubstantiated policies to save the planet.
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