Henderson-Massey Local Board

The Henderson-Massey Local Board is one of 21 local boards in Auckland. The local board makes a plan for your area and decides on local issues, activities and facilities. It also oversees council services and facilities in your area, including libraries and parks. The local board is made up of eight members. This is a first past the post (FPP) election, so you vote by ticking the name of your preferred candidate on your ballot paper. Compare the candidates and their policies to decide who to vote for in the Henderson-Massey Local Board election.

Chimene del la Varis

Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand

Chimene del la Varis

Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand

Why I'm standing

In a time of climate emergency, we need at least one strong advocate on our eight-member board to champion ecological issues. I'm standing because as weather patterns become more extreme, we simply cannot afford NOT to have green voices at local government level.

About me

With a background in environmental and social issues, reporting in the Waikato and Gisborne, I have a degree in linguistics and journalism. I am good at unpacking and communicating issues of climate adaptation and social inequity. I'm also a change-maker – committed to making sure renters have a strong voice in local democracy. Half of Aucklanders are renters, not homeowners – but that fact isn't reflected around the tables of governance.

My priorities
  1. Support calls for Auckland Transport to provide Henderson-Massey with faster, more frequent buses.
  2. Establish weed bins in our area to help control pest plant species at a local level.
  3. Call to address the persistent underfunding and delays to our major infrastructure projects.
Before politics

Web journalist


Te Atatu South



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Why I'm standing

In a time of climate emergency, we need at least one strong advocate on our eight-member board to champion ecological issues. I'm standing because as weather patterns become more extreme, we simply cannot afford NOT to have green voices at local government level.

About me

With a background in environmental and social issues, reporting in the Waikato and Gisborne, I have a degree in linguistics and journalism. I am good at unpacking and communicating issues of climate adaptation and social inequity. I'm also a change-maker – committed to making sure renters have a strong voice in local democracy. Half of Aucklanders are renters, not homeowners – but that fact isn't reflected around the tables of governance.

My priorities
  1. Support calls for Auckland Transport to provide Henderson-Massey with faster, more frequent buses.
  2. Establish weed bins in our area to help control pest plant species at a local level.
  3. Call to address the persistent underfunding and delays to our major infrastructure projects.
Before politics

Web journalist


Te Atatu South



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Auckland Council - Find Candidates
Auckland Council - Find Candidates