Helping communities get from A to B is a key responsibility of local government, from making sure the buses run on time to providing car parking and walking and cycling paths. Whether public transport is the responsibility of the regional or local council depends on where you are in the country. Local councils also own 87% of New Zealand’s roads.
Helping communities get from A to B is a key responsibility of local government, from making sure the buses run on time to providing car parking and walking and cycling paths. Whether public transport is the responsibility of the regional or local council depends on where you are in the country. Local councils also own 87% of New Zealand’s roads.
Support improvements to our current public transport and provide more options to uses.
Build a strong public transport system to take the strain off our roads.
Develop a Park n Ride in Huapai.
Push to get traffic islands asap at critical road choke points to reduce traffic congestion.
Consider practical solutions to the hazard posed by cyclists on busy main roads with minimal or no verge.
Encourage efficient regular public transport – including resumption of passenger train services – to reduce vehicle use.
Admit present traffic mess as planned failure. Mitigate road crisis by a tax on developers. Institute contingency plan to prevent repeat.
Assert localism. Call a binding referendum on urban sprawl. Stop submitting to Auckland and develop a Rodney plan to manage population.
Restore sanity to discussion on population stresses. Demand local proactive engagement on public resource management, especially traffic.
Lobby NZ Transport Agency for improvements on our State Highways (SH1). Ensure Rodney gets its fair share of regional spending.
Support the councillors to establish the $121 million road sealing budget to improve more roads though implementation of road surface improvements.
Public transport solution for the North West, whether it is heavy or light rail, or a bus way on State Highway 16. Ensure horse riders are catered for.
Improve public transport in line with the identified needs of the community.
Hold those responsible to account and ensure they do the work and fix the potholes!
Improve pedestrian access to, and within, local townships.
Advocate for increased maintenance funding for Rodney roads.
Advocate for early delivery of the North West Rapid Transport Network.
Deliver the Huapai Community Transport Hub to promote increased adoption of public transport and mode shift.
Oppose Auckland Transport plans to build more speed bumps.
Advocate for Auckland Transport to maintain our roads.
Hold NZTA to account for the promised four lanes from Kumeū to the motorway.
Move that the targeted rate be ring-fenced for road sealing.
Advocate for road sealing.
Ensure roads of high traffic volume are sealed to the highest standard to reduce constant repair work.
Lobby central government and transport agencies for an efficient public transport solution for the north west.
Investigate improvements to the public transport network in Dairy Flat, Coatesville, Huapai, Helensville.
Complete the design of and build a park and ride in Huapai.
Support improvements to our current public transport and provide more options to uses.
Build a strong public transport system to take the strain off our roads.
Develop a Park n Ride in Huapai.
Push to get traffic islands asap at critical road choke points to reduce traffic congestion.
Consider practical solutions to the hazard posed by cyclists on busy main roads with minimal or no verge.
Encourage efficient regular public transport – including resumption of passenger train services – to reduce vehicle use.
Admit present traffic mess as planned failure. Mitigate road crisis by a tax on developers. Institute contingency plan to prevent repeat.
Assert localism. Call a binding referendum on urban sprawl. Stop submitting to Auckland and develop a Rodney plan to manage population.
Restore sanity to discussion on population stresses. Demand local proactive engagement on public resource management, especially traffic.
Lobby NZ Transport Agency for improvements on our State Highways (SH1). Ensure Rodney gets its fair share of regional spending.
Support the councillors to establish the $121 million road sealing budget to improve more roads though implementation of road surface improvements.
Public transport solution for the North West, whether it is heavy or light rail, or a bus way on State Highway 16. Ensure horse riders are catered for.
Improve public transport in line with the identified needs of the community.
Hold those responsible to account and ensure they do the work and fix the potholes!
Improve pedestrian access to, and within, local townships.
Advocate for increased maintenance funding for Rodney roads.
Advocate for early delivery of the North West Rapid Transport Network.
Deliver the Huapai Community Transport Hub to promote increased adoption of public transport and mode shift.
Oppose Auckland Transport plans to build more speed bumps.
Advocate for Auckland Transport to maintain our roads.
Hold NZTA to account for the promised four lanes from Kumeū to the motorway.
Move that the targeted rate be ring-fenced for road sealing.
Advocate for road sealing.
Ensure roads of high traffic volume are sealed to the highest standard to reduce constant repair work.
Lobby central government and transport agencies for an efficient public transport solution for the north west.
Investigate improvements to the public transport network in Dairy Flat, Coatesville, Huapai, Helensville.
Complete the design of and build a park and ride in Huapai.
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