Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.
Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.
Diversify transport choices away from sole car use, ie construction of walk/cycle ways, reliable public transport.
Push for tree planting initiatives where possible, ie Ngahere strategy expansion.
Empower community and groups to implement carbon initiatives.
Take immediate climate action through the Albert-Eden Climate Action Plan.
Support community groups to manage climate change's effects.
Encourage short and medium distance cycling trips in order to decrease our transport emissions.
Suggest that we are not all impacted the same and advocate for equitable climate justice across our local area.
Signifying the intersection between te ao Māori and climate change (through action and principle in our approach to climate change).
Proactive community participation and consultation actioning the Albert-Eden Climate Action Plan.
Question and oppose current council climate policy, my concerns being that as it is it's destroying businesses and peoples wealth.
Oppose the proposed 30 kilometre per hour inner city speed limits as driving in second gear is only going to increase greenhouse emissions.
Stop the council cutting down mature trees so they can just add more unnecessary cycle ways.
Increase solar energy usage at residential homes.
Decrease use of non-recyclable packaging and plastic pollution.
Increase use of electric vehicles.
Support tree planting and retention of existing trees where practical. Trees are essential to removing carbon which combats global warming.
Focus on priority areas of more sustainable transport, built and natural environments to reduce emissions quicker and more economically.
Make electric buses and ferries more available and expand EV chargers in public car parks throughout Auckland.
Diversify transport choices away from sole car use, ie construction of walk/cycle ways, reliable public transport.
Push for tree planting initiatives where possible, ie Ngahere strategy expansion.
Empower community and groups to implement carbon initiatives.
Take immediate climate action through the Albert-Eden Climate Action Plan.
Support community groups to manage climate change's effects.
Encourage short and medium distance cycling trips in order to decrease our transport emissions.
Suggest that we are not all impacted the same and advocate for equitable climate justice across our local area.
Signifying the intersection between te ao Māori and climate change (through action and principle in our approach to climate change).
Proactive community participation and consultation actioning the Albert-Eden Climate Action Plan.
Question and oppose current council climate policy, my concerns being that as it is it's destroying businesses and peoples wealth.
Oppose the proposed 30 kilometre per hour inner city speed limits as driving in second gear is only going to increase greenhouse emissions.
Stop the council cutting down mature trees so they can just add more unnecessary cycle ways.
Increase solar energy usage at residential homes.
Decrease use of non-recyclable packaging and plastic pollution.
Increase use of electric vehicles.
Support tree planting and retention of existing trees where practical. Trees are essential to removing carbon which combats global warming.
Focus on priority areas of more sustainable transport, built and natural environments to reduce emissions quicker and more economically.
Make electric buses and ferries more available and expand EV chargers in public car parks throughout Auckland.
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