Local governments play a central role in protecting the environment, reducing waste and safeguarding biodiversity. The worsening state of New Zealand’s lakes and rivers is a major challenge for local councils, which work with regional councils in the management of water resources in their area.
Local governments play a central role in protecting the environment, reducing waste and safeguarding biodiversity. The worsening state of New Zealand’s lakes and rivers is a major challenge for local councils, which work with regional councils in the management of water resources in their area.
Fight for the removal of fluoridation in our drinking water supplies, as this is a well known poison, yet they are still doing it.
Oppose the sale of water services to the government and keep it in local control. Stop the Three Waters theft.
Expand Pest Free Auckland plans and increase funding for local board initiatives to reduce pest plants and animals at a local level.
Make inorganic recycling easier. Boost resources to combat illegal dumping and increase fines.
Prioritise investment into Auckland's water storage and incentivise domestic tank water storage to ensure reliable safe water supply.
Increase exposure and assist Pest Free NZ organisations to eradicate pests like rats from our neighbourhood.
Increase recycling and decrease waste.
Protect our waterways and wetlands.
Protect and strengthen our native bush.
Plant street trees across Albert-Eden to improve the appearance of the area and make our neighbourhoods healthier places to live.
Support businesses through programmes to make green initiatives happen.
Advocate that te ao Māori ecocentrism is a significant facilitator in nurturing conservation and climate change action in our local area.
Enabling local climate change action by funding community groups.
Pushing for local board voices in the national climate change strategy.
Cleaning our awa and waterways.
Regenerating native plantation and healing the wider ecosystem of our maunga.
Encouraging better systems of waste management, ie Western Springs waste management centre.
Fight for the removal of fluoridation in our drinking water supplies, as this is a well known poison, yet they are still doing it.
Oppose the sale of water services to the government and keep it in local control. Stop the Three Waters theft.
Expand Pest Free Auckland plans and increase funding for local board initiatives to reduce pest plants and animals at a local level.
Make inorganic recycling easier. Boost resources to combat illegal dumping and increase fines.
Prioritise investment into Auckland's water storage and incentivise domestic tank water storage to ensure reliable safe water supply.
Increase exposure and assist Pest Free NZ organisations to eradicate pests like rats from our neighbourhood.
Increase recycling and decrease waste.
Protect our waterways and wetlands.
Protect and strengthen our native bush.
Plant street trees across Albert-Eden to improve the appearance of the area and make our neighbourhoods healthier places to live.
Support businesses through programmes to make green initiatives happen.
Advocate that te ao Māori ecocentrism is a significant facilitator in nurturing conservation and climate change action in our local area.
Enabling local climate change action by funding community groups.
Pushing for local board voices in the national climate change strategy.
Cleaning our awa and waterways.
Regenerating native plantation and healing the wider ecosystem of our maunga.
Encouraging better systems of waste management, ie Western Springs waste management centre.
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