Many councils help support local business and economic development. Some promote tourism in their area, or provide business support services and grants.
Many councils help support local business and economic development. Some promote tourism in their area, or provide business support services and grants.
Work with youth to encourage them into employment or education that gives them a career and helps the community.
Work hard to bring more retail businesses to our recently upgraded town centre.
We have an industrial estate that would welcome new businesses. Like to see us work hard to grow and incentivise opportunities relocate here.
Tourism is hugely important. We need to put our district "on the map". We have the ability to promote our star attractions to visitors.
Work on making less restrictions for people to start up business in Ashburton.
Encourage many businesses to relocate to Ashburton.
Work with youth to encourage them into employment or education that gives them a career and helps the community.
Work hard to bring more retail businesses to our recently upgraded town centre.
We have an industrial estate that would welcome new businesses. Like to see us work hard to grow and incentivise opportunities relocate here.
Tourism is hugely important. We need to put our district "on the map". We have the ability to promote our star attractions to visitors.
Work on making less restrictions for people to start up business in Ashburton.
Encourage many businesses to relocate to Ashburton.
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